2012-13 University Calendar
 Kwantlen Polytechnic University  Calendar  2012-13  Admissions, Registration & Financial Assistance  Assessment and Testing

Assessment and Testing

Kwantlen's Assessment and Testing Department offers:

All applicants to Kwantlen, regardless of country of origin or citizenship status, must be able to undertake studies in the English language. Applicants are required to produce evidence of competency to undertake studies in the English language. An applicant may be required to take a test of facility in the English language before admission to a program. Competence in the English language is required for listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Most courses offered are reading and writing intensive. Applicants who cannot produce evidence of competency or who do not meet the standards set by a test of facility in the English language should inquire about Academic and Career Advancement Programs.

Testing is required for admission into a variety of programs at Kwantlen. The tests being used are not examinations; they are designed to help students determine their appropriate placement levels for admission to courses or programs that have specific pre-requisites. If you do not meet the General University Admission Requirements, or the requirements for a program, you may be required to complete appropriate testing and/or upgrading.

If you require assistance in determining which test is most suitable for you, please make an appointment with the Academic and Career Advancement Advisor by calling 604-599-2000.

To book an assessment, please visit the Student Enrolment Services (kwantlen.ca/ses) office on the Surrey, Richmond, Langley campus, or the Dean's Office on the Cloverdale campus. To book an invigilation only, please contact Assessment and Testing Services office at 604-599-2368.

For more detailed information, visit kwantlen.ca/testing.

Last Updated: Aug 9, 2012

This online version of the Kwantlen Academic Calendar is the official version of the University calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, Kwantlen reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kwantlen.ca.